(English follows Japanese)
Design Pierが主催するデザイン展 [MADE BY HER]に、INHERENT:PATTERNデザイナー 秋山かおり ( STUDIO BYCOLOR )が
その他、STUDIO BYCOLORがデザインに関わったアイテムである下記の展示をご覧いただけます。
高意匠性ポリカーボネイトのマテリアルテーブル「KONOHA」(DFAアジアデザイン賞受賞 2018年)
3Dプリンタと伝統工芸の組み合わせによる「霧漆(KIRIURUSHI)」(DesignIntelligenceAward Top100受賞 2016年)
It is a pleasant information to exhibit as a Japanese female designer to 'MADE BY HER' organized by Design Pier.
It will be the following exhibits.
Material table "KONOHA" of highly design polycarbonate which received the DFA award this year. "INHERENT: PATTERN" which made original process of STUDIO BYCOLOR. Contemporary jewelry DD:WW by this processing and a clock that will be the first show. It is an exhibition of "KIRIURUSHI" by a combination of a 3D printer and traditional Japanese crafts URUSHI awarded with DIA Top100.
Eleven designers with diverse cultural backgrounds such as China, South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan, Finland, Hungary and Czechoslovakia will be exhibited.
It is interesting content such as stool with beautiful color and texture of Korean designer OKKIM STUDIO which was exhibited at Milano Salone satellite this year.
An opening party will be held just the evening of the DFA awards ceremony. People in Hong Kong at this time please drop in.
[Design Pier ーMADE BY HERー]
Opening: 4th December 7pm-10pm
Panel discussion: 6th December from 7pm (hour tbc)
Moderated by Design Anthology Magazine (media partner of the event)
Exhibition period: 5-9th December
Opening hours: 11-6pm
VENUE Usagi gallery Hong Kong
6-10 Shin Hing street, Hong Kong